House Fire with Mayday
By Public Information Officer Rick Schartel
January 10, 2025

A structure fire occurred on Friday morning January 10th in the 700 block of Mohns Hil Road in southern Spring Township. The initial report from a passerby was of smoke coming from the windows and eaves. Accordingly, Township of Spring Fire Rescue Services (85), along with our mutual aid partners from Cumru Twp FD (42), Adamstown LancCo (11), Wyomissing (79), Western Berks FD (18), Shillington FD (36), Mohnton FD (57), Brecknock FD (72), Denver LancCo (13) and Western Berks EMS (650)

Chief 85 and RE85 arrived and reported heavy smoke showing from a single-family dwelling. CHF 85 established command and RE85’s crew deployed an attack line and made entry through the front door to initiate fire attack and to search for occupants. They were joined by personnel from Shillington, Cumru Twp. and Wyomissing in this effort. L79 was directed to open the roof over the fire area. Due to a lack of fire hydrants, additional tankers were requested, and a tanker dump site was established in front of the address which was pumped by E42. A tanker fill site was set up at a farm pond at Vinemont and Adamstown Rds and was operated by E36. A second alarm was transmitted to bring additional resources to the scene.

During the interior fire attack a section of the first floor collapsed under the attack crew resulting in the entrapment of three firefighters. One self-extricated and another was removed with quick assistance. However, the third, RE85s Captain, was trapped in the void and tangled in wires under the floor. A MAYDAY was called and the RIT team deployed in addition to several other firefighters working in the area. After some effort, the officer was safely removed and placed into the care of EMS.

The fire was controlled in approximately one hour after extensive ventilation, overhaul and the eventual deployment of 5 hose lines. As tasks wound down and were completed, companies were placed available and returned with our thanks for their help. A special shout-out goes to the crew from Bernville Engine 29 who filled in at Station 85 and stayed to help us with cleanup of our hose and equipment. Thank you, brothers!

TSFRS Fire Marshal and Command Staff were joined by PSP and Spring Twp PD Fire Investigators. TSFRS Tanker 85 reported from station to support the investigation.

NOTE: Captain 85 was examined at Tower Health Reading Hospital and released to go home several hours later. TSFRS is extremely grateful for the outpouring of well wishes for the Captain, his family and the members of our Department. There will be more to follow on this.