On Monday night March 17, members re-familiarized themselves with a piece of equipment purchased several years ago but had somewhat faded from use. This is the Pack Tracker. The Pack Tracker was manufactured by 3M and was first placed in service in 2008. The device is intended to receive an emergency signal transmitted from the PASS (Personal Alert Safety System) on each SCBA (Self Contained Breathing Apparatus) and sound an alarm. A recent Mayday event in our department illustrated that PASS audible alarms alone are not always immediately recognized.
The intent is that the device is in possession of someone outside the danger zone and helps those in distress make sure that their situation is recognized and responded to. The unit sounds an audible alarm and illuminates a lighted signal that identifies which pack is in alarm and how close the distress signal is from the meter by using a strength-of-signal indicator. It can be programmed to monitor up to 36 individuals.
Initial practice indicates that the device is not a laser-focused radar to find lost firefighters. The signal can be affected by distance, construction and other obstructions. Visibility of the display is limited by heavy smoke. However, it does offer yet another tool to help keep our personnel safe. Continued practice will improve its functionality. |