Late in the afternoon of Friday March 24, a devastating explosion leveled a building at the RM Palmer Candy facility on 2nd Street in West Reading. Unfortunately, several employees were killed and injured in the blast. One building was totally obliterated and adjacent structures suffered severe damage. The incident resulted in a mass casualty declaration and a four alarm fire response, along with USAR teams from Montgomery Co and PA Task Force 1.
TSFR Engine 85 and Rescue 85, and WFD Ladder 79 responded with crews and operated on scene for over 5 hours. E85 and L79 were intimately involved with a dangerous rescue of an occupant trapped under collapsed masonry immediately upon arrival. WFD E79 responded on the extra alarms. TSFR also provided relief crew manning and fire investigation support for the incident that lasted several days.
Our collective thoughts and prayers go out to the entire RM Palmer Co family and especially to those who lost loved ones.